Free Online Sheet Music (PDF) August 10, 2010

Here is a topic one can get into trouble for hosting, but not get into trouble for linking! And I am a linking machine.

Two websites which allow you to download sheet music:
— and —

Most of the music listed on these websites have tabs and chords.

Many of the links are broken, because the music is not actually hosted on these websites, but these websites are only indexes to online sheet music placed in various locations. Content from the linked websites are often deleted due to copyright violation.

Ethics: Buying sheet music is really strange. The artists seldom make money off of the sales, arrangers are almost never original, and many publishers get away with making small changes to the originals and re-copyrighting it again.

Because of this, there are often many versions of popular songs and they end up being different from what you expected. You can only preview the first page on sheet music sites, and the recordings are often not great.

Since the process is so disorganized, I never buy written music unless it from a thrift store, garage sale, or an original arrangement.

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